Monday, December 4, 2006

Hear about my weekend?

So I am sure all of you heard about this past weekend. In case you missed it, let me tell you, Clay Aiken ROCKED!!! I had a super time at the concert, and while I didn’t get to sing on stage, I did go BACKSTAGE (yeah, you heard me) and meet him. OMG, he was so cool. He signed my "I'm Aiken for Clay" sweatshirt and gave me a "Clay Rocks" temporary tattoo, which looked awesome on my arm, Clay even said so. I went out after the show with a bunch of my friends and we just partied like rock stars, it was the best night ever!

The next day I got up early and jumped in the shower so I could get to the stadium and show all the guys my new "tat" (that’s what cool people call tattoos). But when I got out of the shower my "tat" was gone, how weird. Oh well, I'll have his autograph on my sweatshirt 4-ever!!!

Oh, and we won our game yesterday too! Someone told me we clinched the division. I totally don’t know what that means, but hopefully it means that we don't have to play at home anymore for the playoffs. It was COLD on Sunday, brrrrrrr. They should put hot chocolate in those big gatorade coolers, so when we win and they pour it all over the coaches it would warm them up. I am going to call the NFL Commissioner right now and tell him my idea (and about the Clay Aiken concert, of course!).

Adios (that’s Italian for goodbye),


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