Hey guys!!! I am back!!!
After spending the past couple games watching the pigeons on the sidelines (I still can't figure out how they get into dome stadiums without having tickets), I am back as your favorite QB on the Chicago Bears! I was pretty unprepared for this as you all could have seen from my dropping of the first snap that I took from cutie Olin. I think the thing that I am most excited about is not being so cold now. It is super cold sitting on that metal bench and tears are only warm the first half inch that they run down your cheeks. But now I get to turn my frown :( upside down :) LOL!!!

Well I have to study. It feels like I was on summer break because I didn't have to learn any new plays or even try real real hard to remember the old ones. I even got locked out of my house one night. For some reason my next door neighbor answered my door when I was trying to get the key in the door. I think he said that I was trying to get in his house, but I know he was just trying to play a prank on me.
So for dinner tonight as I am watching the Bionic Woman, I am going to have dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets with honey mustard sauce to dip it in. I can't figure out if honey mustard is mustard flavored honey or honey flavored mustard, but I LOVE the stuff. I am sure I would eat it for breakfast if I was allowed to.
Hi Rex,
I must hand it to you...you ROCKED yesterday!! That was the most exciting game all T-Giving weekend. Way to let me bite my nails into nubs. Anyhoo, GREAT JOB!! and i am so glad you are back!!
Mes Wuv,
Whats your number/email? I would love to have dinner with you sometime. Are you in the Chicago area?
Guess what? There is ANOTHER blog about Rex Grossman!!! here is the link! http://reneepussman.blogspot.com
Hi Rex,
Yeah I am in the Chicago area....actually Bourbonnais, where you guys do your summer training. My number is 815-715-3783 or danielleusewicz@yahoo.com. Dinner would be nice and I am not picky. I like anything from Asian to Zimbabwe food. :)
GOOD LUCK in tonight's game!! I am keeping my fingers crossed and I know you are gonna kick azz!!
Awww, darn....i posted all my personal, private, and precious info for everyone to see......duh!! It is for your eyes only, k? Thanks, buddy.Peas.
I am sad for you. This really sucks. I hope you get well SOON!!
Take care and keep your chin up, kid.
Talk to you soon.
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